Course requirements

M.Sc. in Chemistry (Chemical Biology option) (45 credits)

Please note: a grayed out course title means the course is currently not offered this year.

Required courses (5 credits)


CHEM 650 Seminars in Chemistry 1 1
CHEM 651 Seminars in Chemistry 2 1
CHEM 688 Progress Assessment 1 3


Complementary Courses (11 credits)


Complementary courses A

Two of the following (1 credit each):

M.Sc. in Chemistry (Chemical Biology option) (45 credits)

Please note: a grayed out course title means the course is currently not offered this year.

Required courses (5 credits)


CHEM 650 Seminars in Chemistry 1 1
CHEM 651 Seminars in Chemistry 2 1
CHEM 688 Progress Assessment 1 3


Complementary Courses (11 credits)


Complementary courses A

Two of the following (1 credit each):

BIOC 610 Seminars in Chemical Biology 1 1
BIOC 611 Seminars in Chemical Biology 2 1
BIOC 689 Seminars in Chemical Biology 2 1
BIOC 690 Seminars in Chemical Biology 4 1


Complementary courses B

And at least 9 credits from the following list, including at least 3 credits from the first three courses listed below:

CHEM 502 Advanced Bio-Organic Chemistry 3
CHEM 503 Drug Discovery 3
PHAR 503 Drug Discovery & Development 1 3
BIOC 603 Genomics and Gene Expression 3
BIOC 604 Macromolecular Structure 3
CHEM 504 course description not available 3
PHAR 504 Drug Discovery & Development 2 3
CHEM 514 Biophysical Chemistry 3
CHEM 522 Stereochemistry 3
CHEM 591 Bioinorganic Chemistry 3
CHEM 621 Reaction Mech in Org Chem 5
CHEM 629 Organic Synthesis 5
CHEM 655 course description not available 4
PHAR 562 Neuropharmacology 3
PHAR 563 Endocrine Pharmacology 3
PHAR 707 Topics in Pharmacology 6 3

(Please note that CHEM 503 and PHAR 503 are the same course)

Complementary courses C

Plus further credits, to a total of 45 program credits, comprising graduate level courses approved by the Department. A minimum of 24 credits must be selected from the following list:

CHEM 691 M.Sc. Thesis Research 1 3
CHEM 692 M.Sc. Thesis Research 2 6
CHEM 693 M.Sc. Thesis Research 3 9
CHEM 694 M.Sc. Thesis Research 4 12
CHEM 695 M.Sc. Thesis Research 5 15
CHEM 696 course description not available 6
CHEM 697 course description not available 9
CHEM 698 course description not available 12

Ph.D. in Chemistry (Chemical Biology option)

Required courses (9 credits)


CHEM 650 Seminars in Chemistry 1 1
CHEM 651 Seminars in Chemistry 2 1
CHEM 688 Progress Assessment 1 3
BIOC 610 Seminars in Chemical Biology 1 1
BIOC 611 Seminars in Chemical Biology 2 1
BIOC 689 Seminars in Chemical Biology 2 1
BIOC 690 Seminars in Chemical Biology 4 1



CHEM 701 Comprehensive Examination 0
CHEM 702 Progress Assessment 2 0


Complementary Courses (9 credits)


Complementary courses A

At least 3 credits from the following:

CHEM 502 Advanced Bio-Organic Chemistry 3
CHEM 503 Drug Discovery 3
PHAR 503 Drug Discovery & Development 1 3

(Please note that CHEM 503 and PHAR 503 are the same course)

Complementary courses B

Plus additional credits, to a total of 9 complementary-course credits, from the following list:

BIOC 603 Genomics and Gene Expression 3
BIOC 604 Macromolecular Structure 3
CHEM 504 course description not available 3
PHAR 504 Drug Discovery & Development 2 3
CHEM 514 Biophysical Chemistry 3
CHEM 522 Stereochemistry 3
CHEM 591 Bioinorganic Chemistry 3
CHEM 621 Reaction Mech in Org Chem 5
CHEM 629 Organic Synthesis 5
CHEM 655 course description not available 4
PHAR 562 Neuropharmacology 3
PHAR 563 Endocrine Pharmacology 3
PHAR 707 Topics in Pharmacology 6 3

(Please note that CHEM 504 and PHAR 504 are the same course)

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