
Zachary Boychuck, erg., PhD Faculty Lecturer in the OT Program at SPOT, was recently awarded a 鶹Լ MedStar Award by 鶹Լ’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences for his publication, "International expert recommendations of clinical features to prompt referral for diagnostic assessment of cerebral palsy," in Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. The publication also features several SPOT co-authors from the PROMPT group.

Published on: 11 Dec 2020

The Canadian Physiotherapy Association's Global Health Award serves to:•Increase the awareness of global health;•Recognize outstanding contributions made by a physiotherapist to promote the profession internationally through educational ventures, program and/or policy development, practice or research collaborations;•Promote the development of global health activities within the profession and CPA.

Published on: 23 Nov 2020

This summer the 鶹Լ Sustainability Projects Fund (SPF) turned ten years old and it marked the occasion by giving the 130 year old Redpath Museum some funding help. Thanks SPFfor subsidizing our new outreach project to create a "Museum in a Box" and for help to buy photography equipment so that we could create virtual StoryMap tours such as the 鶹Լ Tree Tour and the 鶹Լ Stones and fossils tour.

Check here for the launch of both these virtual tours for Homecoming 鶹Լ at the end of September.

Classified as: Public talks, STEM Outreach, Public Outreach talk, Cutting edge lecture, Homecoming
Published on: 30 Aug 2020

The Hauffiopteryx altera, a new species of Ichthyosaur discovered by a 鶹Լ studentDirley Cortés, a PhD candidate in paleontology with Dr. Hans Larsson, Director of the Redpath Museum, has been described iPalaeontologia Electronica, 23(2):a30.

Classified as: fossil reptiles, ichthyosaurs, Hans Larsson
Published on: 13 Aug 2020

Congratulations to Timothy Wideman, PT, PhD, recently named to 2020-2021 Faculty Honour List for Educational Excellence. This Honour List is to recognize outstanding contributions to education in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in the areas of teaching, educational leadership and innovation, faculty development, and research and scholarly activity. Please consider attending the symposium to recognize the honorees which will take place Thursday October 1, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Published on: 10 Aug 2020

According to Virginie Millien, an assistant professor at 鶹Լ and curator of zoology and paleontology at 鶹Լ's Redpath Museum, warmer temperatures preferentially benefit one of the Lyme diesease tick's most important hosts, the white-footed mouse, which has expanded its range northwards, and outcompeted other mice. The result is that Lyme disease has become a far more pressing health issue in southeastern Canada than ever before.

Classified as: Public Outreach, STEM Outreach
Published on: 21 Jun 2020

Congratulations from the faculty and staff at SPOT for the following promotions to Associate Professor with tenure:

Marie-Helene Boudrias -Dr. Boudrias' main focus of research aims to understand the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying interaction between brain areas in aging subjects and stroke patients. She uses multimodal functional neuroimaging and electrophysiological techniques as well as state-of-the-art data analysis methods to measure the precise dynamics of these interactions.

Published on: 18 Jun 2020

The 鶹Լ 24 Seeds of Change project to create a Virtual Fossil and Dinosaur kit closedat midnight on May 26, 2020, and raised $2,069.78 from 9 donations (including $290 in 鶹Լ24 Matching Funds).

Classified as: STEM Outreach
Published on: 27 May 2020

Thanks very much for your donations to the Museum during to create a:

Virtual Fossil and Dinosaur Teaching Kit

This campaign finishes on May 25, 2020. With your continued support we can develop and create more e- resources for teachers and children everywhere to learn about the amazing world of Mesozoic dinosaurs, Devonian flora and ancient Ordovician sea life. All from the Redpath Museum!

Classified as: Public Outreach, STEM Outreach
Published on: 22 May 2020

Dear colleagues,

As you know, 鶹Լ is committed to helping contain the propagation of COVID-19 and fully supports the Quebec government’s decision to close all schools and universities for the two-week period ending March 29. We all must do our part to “flatten the curve” so that health services are not overwhelmed by the resulting patient load. 

Published on: 17 Mar 2020

Start & End Date:May 1, 2020 – April 30, 2021

Hourly Wage:$25.00 per hour + 4% benefits, paid bi-weekly

Hours/Week:21 hours per week

Deadline to Apply:March 24, 2020

Classified as: STEM Outreach, climate change
Published on: 25 Feb 2020

By Monica Slanik, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy

Classified as: exercise, Gaming, video games
Published on: 30 Jan 2020


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