
MCCHE Convergent Innovation Webinar Series with Jotte de Koning

Wednesday, February 7, 2024 11:00to13:00

Co-Creating Sustainable Cities Using Design to Facilitate Transitions

Jotte de Koning


Today, citizens, professionals, civil servants, social enterprises, and others form different types of coalitions to overcome the challenges facing our modern cities. The particularities of these types of groups can be characterised and categorised into ten different types of city makers. Generally, these types of city makers bring value to cities, but this value could be enriched through more participatory approaches or co-creation. Co-creation should stimulate crossovers and accelerate the transition towards sustainable futures. However, these participatory approaches and the networks between them still need to be developed, while improving conditions and dynamics that can enable and enhance innovation in urban environments. Design and systems thinking could contribute valuable methods and perspectives to the development of these participatory and systemic approaches. Finally, the categorisation must enable a better understanding of the transformative capacity of these different types of city makers, necessary for flourishing and 11:00 am EST (2 hrs in length) sustainable communities.


The Convergent Innovation Webinar Series features cutting edge science, technology and innovation in agriculture, food, environment, education, medicine and other domains of everyday life where grand challenges lie at the convergence of health and economics. Powered by data science, artificial intelligence, and other digital technologies, this disciplinary knowledge bridges with behavioural, social, humanities, business, economics, social, engineering, and complexity sciences to accelerate real-world solution at scale, be it in digital or physical contexts. Initiated in the agri-food domain, the series is now encompassing other grand challenges facing modern and traditional economies and societies, such as ensuring lifelong wellness and resilience at both the individual and population levels.

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