

Promotion Optimization for Multiple Items in Supermarkets

Authors: Maxime C. Cohen, J.J. Kalas, and G. Perakis Publication: Management Science, Volume 67, Issue 4, April 2021, Pages 2340-2364. Abstract:

Published: 8 Jun 2021

Under the Umbrella: Goal-Derived Category Construction and Product Category Nesting

Authors: Johnny Boghossian and Robert J. David Publication: Administrative Science Quarterly, Forthcoming; First published online May 17, 2021 Abstract:

Published: 8 Jun 2021

Volmageddon and the Failure of Short Volatility Products

Authors: Patrick Augustin, I-H. Cheng and L. Van den Bergen Publication: Financial Analysts Journal, Forthcoming; First published online May 20, 2021 Abstract:

Published: 8 Jun 2021

Content Growth and Attention Contagion in Information Networks: Addressing Information Poverty on Wikipedia

Authors: Kai Zhu, Dylan Walker and Lev Muchnik

Publication: Information Systems Research, Volume 32, Issue 2, June 2020, Pages 491-509.

Published: 6 May 2021

Professor Joshi awarded 2021 FRQSC New Academics Grant

Congratulations to Preetika Joshi, Assistant Professor in Accounting, who has been awarded the 2021 FRQSC New Academics Grant (Soutien à la recherche pour la relève professorale) for her project titled “Does Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Improve the Tax Enforcement Function?” (L’intelligence artificielle et l’apprentissage automatique améliorent-ils la fonction de mise en recouvrem

Published: 5 May 2021

Professor Zhu's paper wins 2021 Wikimedia Foundation Research Award of the Year

Congratulations to Kai Zhu, Assistant Professor in Information Systems, whose paper won the 2021 Wikimedia Foundation Research Award of the Year.

Published: 3 May 2021

Operating Lease as Alternative Financing for REITs: a Viable Strategy or a Sign of Trouble?

Authors: E. Devos, E. Devos, H. Li and Desmond Tsang

Publication: The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Forthcoming


Published: 16 Apr 2021

Prof Tsang's paper wins award at 2021 Academy of Finance Conference

Congratulations to Desmond Tsang, Associate Professor in Accounting, whose paper won Best-in-Track Award for Real Estate at the 2021 Academy of Finance Conference

Published: 1 Apr 2021

From ideal workers to ideal work for all: A 50-year review integrating careers and work-family research with a future research agenda

Authors: E.E. Kossek, M. Perrigino and Alyson Gounden Rock

Publication: Journal of Vocational Behavior, Forthcoming. Abstract:

Published: 31 Mar 2021

Constant Job-Allowance Policies for Appointment Scheduling: Performance Bounds and Numerical Analysis

Authors: S. Zhou, Yichuan Ding, W.T. Huh, and G. Wan Publication: Production and Operations Management, Forthcoming Abstract:

Published: 24 Mar 2021

Beyond Uberization: The co-constitution of technology and organizing

Authors: Samer Faraj, and S. Pachidi Publication: Organization Theory, Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2021, Pages 1-14. Abstract:

Published: 24 Mar 2021

A Simple Rule for Pricing with Limited Knowledge of Demand

Authors: Maxime C. Cohen, G. Perakis, R.S. Pindyck

Publication: Management Science, Volume 67, Issue 3, March 2021, Pages 1608-1621.


Published: 24 Mar 2021

Trust, Collaboration, and Economic Growth

Authors: Jiro Kondo, D. Li, and D. Papanikolaou

Publication: Management Science, Volume 67, Issue 3, March 2021, Pages 1825-1850. Abstract:

Published: 24 Mar 2021

Factors affecting customer satisfaction on online shopping holiday

Authors: S-Y. Tzeng, M. Ertz, Myung-Soo Jo and Emine Sarigöllü

Publication: Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Forthcoming Abstract:

Published: 24 Mar 2021

A Fluid Model for One-Sided Bipartite Matching Queues with Match-Dependent Rewards

Authors: Yichuan Ding, S.T. McCormick and M. Nagarajan Publication: Operations Research, Forthcoming Abstract:

Published: 24 Mar 2021


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