Lawrence R Chen

Academic title(s): 

Academic Lead and Faculty Scholar, ELATE (Enhancing Learning and Teaching in Engineering)

Engineer (OIQ)

Lawrence R Chen
Contact Information

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
McConnell Engineering Building
3480 University Street, Room 811
Montreal, QC     H3A 0E9

Email address: 
lawrence.chen [at] mcgill.ca
Current research: 


Engineering education (faculty development, learning mechanisms, and learning systems); photonic integration; microwave photonics; optical communications

Papers related to engineering education

  1. L. R. Chen, M. Amin, C. Belleville, M. Bruno, M. Gostraya, T. Jrab, M. P. Lemina, D. Rekkas, and A.  Yaffe, "Students as partners to enhance an introductory course on the engineering profession: a case study,"ÌýInternational Journal of Engineering Education, in press, 2024.
  2. L. R. Chen, "," American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 23-26 June 2024, Portland, OR.
  3. S. Maw, P. Ostafichuk, P. Neufeld, L. Chen, K. Moozeh, B. Frank, C. Jaeger, G. McSorley, and J. Grove, "Preliminary employment trajectory findings from a pan-Canadian survey on career motivations and aspirations of undergraduate engineering students,"ÌýCanadian Engineering Education Association Conference, 15-19 Jun 2024, Edmonton, AB.
  4. P. M. Ostafichuk, S. Maw, P. Neufeld, L. Chen, K. Moozeh, B. Frank, C. Jaeger, G. McSorley, and J. Grove, "The process behind a multi-institutional effort to track engineering employment trajectory," Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference, 15-19 Jun 2024, Edmonton, AB.
  5. L. R. Chen, K. B. Downey, and E. Whitteck, "," CourseSource, vol. 10, 2023.
  6. M. Malik and L. R. Chen, "When AI meets Examopedia - lessons learnt by working alongside AI,"ÌýUK and Ireland Engineering Education Research Network Annual Symposium, 1-2 Jun 2023.
  7. R. Adams and L. R. Chen, ","ÌýConference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP, 15-18 May 2023, Orlando, FL.
  8. L. R. Chen, "Group work on midterm and final exams in the remote teaching and learning context and beyond,"ÌýInternational Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 4-6 Jul 2022, Palma de Mallorca, Sapin.
  9. I. El Boijairami, S. Kouthouridis, Z. Sobhanigavgani, M. Jacques, C. Moraes, S. Omelon, M. Driscoll, and L. R. Chen, ","ÌýCanadian Engineering Education Association Conference, 9-12 Jun 2019, Ottawa, ON.
  10. L. R. Chen, M. Jacques, and Z. Sobhanigavgani, ","ÌýCanadian Engineering Education Association Conference, 9-12 Jun 2019, Ottawa, ON.
  11. L. R. Chen and M. Jacques, ","ÌýConference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP, 21-24 May 2019, Quebec City, QC.
  12. L. R. Chen and M. Orjuela-Laverde, ","ÌýCanadian Engineering Education Association Conference, 3-6 Jun 2018, Vancouver, BC.
  13. R. Adams and L. R. Chen, ","ÌýConference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP, 29-31 May 2017, Hangzhou, China.
  14. M. Orjuela-Laverde and L. R. Chen, ","ÌýCanadian Engineering Education Association Conference, 8-11 Jun 2014, Canmore, AB.
  15. R. Adams and L. R. Chen, "Photonics research in the college physics classroom - a college and university collaboration,"ÌýPhysics in Canada, Issue on Physics Education, vol. 2, 2014.

Invited journal papers related to photonicsÌý(²õ±ð±ô±ð³¦³Ù±ð»å)

  1. Y. Xie, M. Khalil, H. Sun, J. Liu, Z. Lu, P. J. Poole, J. Weber, G. Liu, M. Rahim, and L. R. Chen, "Applications of quantum dash mode-locked laser in microwave photonics,"ÌýElectromagnetic Science, in press, 2024.
  2. H. Sun, B. Tagliette, and L. R. Chen, "Integrated subwavelength grating waveguide Bragg gratings for microwave photonics,"ÌýIEEE/Optica Journal of Lightwave Technology, Special Issue on Microwave Photonics, vol. 40, no. 20, pp. 6636-6649, 2022.
  3. H. Sun, M. Khalil, Z. Wang, and L. R. Chen, "Recent progress in integrated electro-optic frequency comb generation,"ÌýJournal of Semiconductors, Issue on Semiconductor Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits, vol. 42, no. 4, 042301, 2021.
  4. L. R. Chen, J. Wang, B. Naghdi, and I. Glesk, Subwavelength grating waveguide devices for telecommunications applications,"ÌýIEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Issue on Metamaterial Photonics and Integration, vol. 25, no. 3, 8200111, 2019.
  5. R. Maram, S. Kaushal, J. Azana, and L. R. Chen, "Recent trends and advances of silicon-based integrated microwave photonics,"ÌýMDPI Photonics, vol. 6, no. 1, 13, 2019.
  6. L. R. Chen, P. Moslemi, Z. Wang, M. Ma, and R. Adams, "Integrated microwave photonics for spectral analysis, waveform generation, and filtering,"ÌýIEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Special Issue on Integrated Microwave Photonics, vol. 30, no. 21, pp. 1838-1841, 2018.
  7. L. R. Chen, "Silicon photonics for microwave photonics applications,"ÌýIEEE/Optica Journal of LIghtwave Technology, Special Issue on Selected Papers from OFC (Invited and Top Scored), vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 824-835, 2017.
  8. L. R. Chen, "Chirped microwave and millimeter wave pulse generation based on optical spectral shaping and wavelength-to-time mapping in silicon photonics,"ÌýOptics Communications, Special Issue on Integrated Microwave Photonics, vol. 373, pp. 70-81, 2016.

Recent journal papers related to photonics (since 2017)

  1. Z. Wei, J. Zhang, W. Li, C. St-Arnault, S. Bernal, M. Khalil, R. Gutierrez-Castrejon, L. R. Chen, and D. V. Plant, "Physical layer service fairness of 200-Gbps TDM-NOMA coherent passive optical networks within single time slot," IEEE/Optica Journal of LIghtwave Technology, in press, 2024.
  2. M. Khalil, L. R. Chen, D. V. Plant, A. Chan, and R. Kuang, ","ÌýEuropean Physics Journal - Quantum Technology, vol. 11, article 49, 2024.
  3. Y. Xie, M. Khalil, T. Erfan, J. Liu, Z. Lu, P. J. Poole, J. Weber, G. Liu, M. Rahim, and L. R. Chen, ","ÌýOptics Continuum, vol. 3, no. 8, pp. 1291-1301, 2024.  [Editor's pick]
  4. Y. Xie, M. Khalil, J. Liu, Z. Lu, P. J. Poole, J. Weber, G. Liu, M. Rahim, and L. R. Chen, ","ÌýOptics Express, vol. 32, no. 9, pp. 16027-16039, 2024. 
  5. M. Khalil, Y. Xie, E. Berikaa, J. Liu, Z. Lu, P. J. Poole, G. Liu, J. Weber, D. V. Plant, and L. R. Chen, ","ÌýOptics Express, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 217-229, 2024.
  6. A. Rabiepoor, S. Alireza Nezamalhosseini, and L. R. Chen, "IRS-assisted vehicular visible light communication systems:  channel modeling and performance analysis,"ÌýApplied Optics, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 167-178, 2024.
  7. Y. Xie, M. Khalil, H. Sun, S. Moosabhoy, J. Liu, Z. Lu, P. J. Poole, J. Weber, and L. R. Chen, "Photonic beamforming using quantum-dash mode-locked frequency comb laser,"ÌýApplied Optics, vol. 62, no. 32, pp. 8696-8701, 2023.
  8. A. Chan, M. Khalil, Kh. A. Shahriar, D. V. Plant, L. R. Chen, and R. Kuang, ","ÌýScientific Reports, vol. 13, 12965, 2023.
  9. Z. Wei, C. Nacke, M. Khalil, H. Sun, K. Stitt, J. Lougheed, L. R. Chen, and D. V. Plant, "AL-aided automatic modulation classification in multi-user white-light OFDMA VLC system over a light-diffusing fiber loop,"ÌýOptics Letters, vol. 48, no. 14, pp. 3661-3664, 2023.
  10. M. Javad Zakavi, S. A. Nezamalhosseini, and L. R. Chen, ","ÌýIEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 2259-2273, 2023.
  11. H. Sun and L. R. Chen, "Polarization independent subwavelength grating waveguide Bragg gratings,"ÌýOptics Letters, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 1214-1223, 2023.
  12. M. A. Amirabadi, S. A. Nezamalhosseini, M. H. Kahaei, and L. R. Chen, "Improving MDM-WDM optical network performance via optimized power allocation using Gaussian noise model,"ÌýOptical Fiber Technology, vol. 75, 103187, 2023.
  13. H. Rabbani, S. A. Nezamalhosseini, L. R. Chen, and A. Beheshti-Shirazi, ","ÌýIET Optoelectronics, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 12-23, 2023.
  14. M. Khalil, H. Sun, E. Berikaa, D. V. Plant, and L. R. Chen, ","ÌýOptics Express, vol. 30, no. 22, pp. 39643-39651, 2022.
  15. J. Wang, C. Fang, N. Dong, W. Jiang, Z. Chen, L. R. Chen, and X. Sun, ","ÌýIEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 14, no. 4, 2735104, 2022.
  16. M. A. Amirabadi, M. H. Kahaei, S. A. Nezamalhosseini, and L. R. Chen, "," IET Optoelectronics, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 133-148, 2022.
  17. H. Sun, M. Khalil, J. Liu, Z. Lu, P. J. Poole, J. Weber, D. V. Plant, and L. R. Chen, "Reconfigurable microwave photonics filter based on a quantum dash mode-locked laser,"ÌýOptics Letters, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1133-1136, 2022.
  18. S. Zargari, M. Kolivand, S. A. Nezamalhosseini, B. Abolhassani, L. R. Chen, and M. H. Kahaei, "Resource allocation of hybrid VLC/RF systems with light energy harvesting," IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 600-612, 2022.
  19. L. Liu, X. Jian, W. Dong, L. R. Chen, and J. Capmany, ","ÌýOptics Express, vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 14006-14015, 2021.
  20. H. Sun and L. R. Chen, "Polarization dependent tuning of Bragg reflection enabled through tilted subwavelength grating waveguide Bragg gratings,"ÌýOptics Letters, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 1450-1453, 2021.
  21. Y. Wang, H. Sun, M. Khalil, W. Dong, I. Gasulla, J. Capmany, and L. R. Chen, "On-chip optical true time delay lines based on subwavelength grating waveguides,"ÌýOptics Letters, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 1405-1408, 2021.
  22. S. A. Nezamalhosseini and L. R. Chen, "Optimal power allocation for MIMO underwater wireless optical communication systems using channel state information at the transmitter,"ÌýIEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 319-325, 2021.
  23. L. Liu, X. Jin, T. Ning, L. R. Chen, and J. Capmany, "Optical spectral slicing based reconfigruable and tunable microwave photonic filter,"ÌýIEEE/Optica Journal of Lightwave Technology, Special Issue on Microwave Photonics, vol. 38, no. 19, pp. 5492-5499, 2020.
  24. G. Nemova, X. Jin, L. R. Chen, S. V. firstov, and O. Sezerman, "Modeling and experimental characterization of dual-wavelength Bi-doped fiber lasers with cascaded cavities," Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 145301460, 2020.
  25.  Z. Wang, M. Ma, H. Sun, M. Khalil, R. Adams, K. Yim, X. Jin and L. R. Chen, "Optical frequency comb generation using CMOS compatible cascaded Mach-Zehnder modulators,"ÌýIEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 55, no. 6, 8400206, 2019.
  26. R. Maram, D. Onori, J. Azana, and L. R. Chen, ","ÌýOptics Express, vol. 27, no. 10, pp. 14381-14391, 2019.
  27. U. A. Korai, Z. Wang, C. Lacava, L. R. Chen, U. Glesk, and M. J. Strain, ","ÌýOptics Express, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 6377-6388, 2019.
  28. Z. Wang, M. Ma, and L. R. Chen, "Integrated optical add-drop multiplexer in SOI based on mode selection and Bragg reflection,"ÌýIEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 30, no. 24, pp. 2107-2110, 2018.
  29. P. Moslemi, M. Rochette, and L. R. Chen, "Generating multi-channel chirped microwave waveforms using silicon photonic spectral shapers,"ÌýIEEE/Optica Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 36, no. 23, pp. 5498-5504, 2018.
  30. M.-I. Comanici, J. Hu, P. Moslemi, and L. R. Chen, "Simultaneous interrogation of multiple fiber Bragg grating temperature sensors using a microwave photonics approach,"ÌýApplied Optics, vol. 57, no. 28, pp. 8338-8442, 2018.
  31. Z. Wang, L. R. Chen, and I. Glesk, ","ÌýAPL Photonics, vol. 3, no. 2, 026102, 2018.
  32. M.-I. Comanici, L. R. Chen, and P. Kung, "Microwave photonic filter-based interrogation system for multiple fiber Bragg grating sensors,"ÌýApplied Optics, vol. 56, no. 32, pp. 9074-9078, 2017.
  33. P. Moslemi, L. R. Chen, and M. Rochette, "Simultaneously generating multiple chirped microwave waveforms using an arrayed waveguide Sagnac interferometer," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 53, no. 23, pp. 1534-1535, 2017.
  34. B. Naghdi and L. R. Chen, ","ÌýOptics Express, vol. 25, no. 21, pp. 25310-25317, 2017.
  35. P. Moslemi and L. R. Chen, "Simultaneously generating multiple chirped microwave pulses with superimposed FBGs,"ÌýIEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 1387-1390, 2017.
  36. M. Rezagholipour Dizaji, C. J. Kruckel, A. Fulop, P. A. Andrekson, V. Torres-Company, and L. R. Chen, ","ÌýOptics Express, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 12100-12108, 2017.
  37. M. Ma, R. Adams, and L. R. Chen, "Integrated photonic chip enabled simultaneous multi-channel ultra-wideband radio frequency spectrum analyzer,"ÌýIEEE/Optica Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 35, no. 13, pp. 2622-2628, 2017.
  38. C. Jia, B. Shastri, P. R. Prucnal, M. Saad, and L. R. Chen, "Simultaneous Q-switching of a Tm3+:ZBLAN fiber laser at 1.9 um and 2.3 um using graphene," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 405-408, 2017.

Current group

  • Dr. Nitika Vaish, postdoctoral researcher
  • Yuxuan Xie, PhD student
  • Xi Wang, PhD student
  • Zhuoran Wang, PhD student
  • Ali Roohforouz, PhD student
  • Luyao Xie, PhD student
  • Max Wu-Blouin, undergraduate researcher in engineering education
  • Kennedy Olsen, undergraduate researcher in engineering education
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