
Professor Christian Genest - recipient of the 2024 Lise Manchester Award from The Statistical Society of Canada (SSC)

Published: 4 June 2024


Professor Christian Genest is one of the three recipients of the 2024

The award recognizes excellence in state-of-the-artΜύstatistical work which considers problems of publicΜύinterest and which is potentially useful for formationΜύof Canadian public policy.Μύ

Christian Genest (PhD, 1983, University of British Columbia) is a Professor and Canada Research Chair in Stochastic Dependence Modeling at Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ. Well known for his pioneering work in extreme-value theory and copula modeling, he has long been interested in applications of statistical methods to insurance, finance, and hydrology. In recent years, he has turned his attention to the design of Bayesian hierarchical models for the frequency estimation of rare events.

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