Racial Profiling in Policing /maxbellschool/taxonomy/term/3742/all en Q&A with Joel DeBellefeuille /maxbellschool/article/articles-racial-profiling-policing/qa-joel-debellefeuille Joel DeBellefeuille answers attendee questions from of our Racial Profiling in Policing conference. Tue, 08 Jun 2021 20:38:18 +0000 Joel DeBellefeuille 2543 at /maxbellschool Q&A with Scot Wortley /maxbellschool/article/articles-racial-profiling-policing/qa-scot-wortley Scot Wortley responds to questions posed by attendees of our Racial Profiling in Policing conference. Tue, 08 Jun 2021 20:35:49 +0000 Scot Wortley 2542 at /maxbellschool Q&A with Kanika Samuels-Wortley /maxbellschool/article/articles-racial-profiling-policing/qa-kanika-samuels-wortley Kanika Samuels-Wortley answers questions posed by attendees of our Racial Profiling in Policing conference. Tue, 08 Jun 2021 20:40:04 +0000 Kanika Samuels-Wortley 2544 at /maxbellschool Q&A with Michèle Turenne /maxbellschool/article/articles-racial-profiling-policing/qa-michele-turenne Michèle Turenne, on behalf of the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse, responds to thoughtful questions from the attendees of our Racial Profiling in Policing conference. Tue, 08 Jun 2021 20:41:06 +0000 Michèle Turenne 2545 at /maxbellschool How Joel DeBellefeuille Changed Quebec’s Understanding of Racial Profiling /maxbellschool/article/articles-racial-profiling-policing/how-joel-debellefeuille-changed-quebecs-understanding-racial-profiling MPP candidate Adele Brawley writes about the impact of Joel DeBellefeuille's impact on Quebec's paradigm on racial profiling. Wed, 09 Jun 2021 19:47:51 +0000 Adele Brawley 2552 at /maxbellschool Bringing the Voices that Matter to the Table: A Candid Conversation on Racial Profiling and Police Reform /maxbellschool/article/articles-racial-profiling-policing/bringing-voices-matter-table-candid-conversation-racial-profiling-and-police-reform MPP candidate Nayantara Sudhakar reflects on some key takeaways from the Max Bell School's Racial Profiling in Policing conference. Thu, 10 Jun 2021 16:14:05 +0000 Nayantara Sudhakar 2556 at /maxbellschool Racial Profiling and Policing: To Serve and Protect Whom? /maxbellschool/article/articles-racial-profiling-policing/racial-profiling-and-policing-serve-and-protect-whom MPP candidate Rebecca Charles breaks down some of the highlights of the Max Bell School's Racial Profiling in Policing conference. Tue, 15 Jun 2021 14:15:19 +0000 Rebecca Charles 2562 at /maxbellschool Racial Profiling in Policing: Watch the videos /maxbellschool/article/event-recap-video/racial-profiling-policing-watch-videos <p>On March 25, 2020, the Max Bell School hosted <a href="/maxbellschool/events/events-list/racial-profiling-policing">Racial Profiling in Policing</a>, an online conference that brought together speakers with expertise and personal experience to discuss innovative policy solutions and to foster community trust among marginalized and racialized communities, including Black people, Indigenous people and people of colour. Watch the videos of the conference below.</p> Tue, 06 Apr 2021 19:27:39 +0000 Max Bell School of Public Policy 2431 at /maxbellschool