Uncertainty in measuring biodiversity change could hinder progress towards global targets for nature

Published: 16 February 2024

More than ever before, there is a growing interest in dedicating resources to stop the loss of biodiversity, as recently exemplified by the

Expert: Weather extremes influence the rise and fall of insect populations

Published: 3 October 2023

Insect populations are widely influenced by weather anomalies, with decreasing numbers observed during unfavorable conditions and a spike in normal periods, according to a new study. The study...

A global observatory to monitor Earth's biodiversity

Published: 28 August 2023

At a time of unparalleled rates of biodiversity loss, a new interconnected system to monitor biodiversity around the world is needed to guide action quickly enough to target conservation efforts to...

Towards reducing biodiversity loss in fragmented habitats

Published: 22 March 2023

When natural habitats are cleared to make way for cities, roads and agriculture, this often leaves behind β€œislands” of fragmented habitat that can place species at risk of extinction. Species are...

Freshwater ecosystems at risk due to glyphosate use

Published: 7 September 2021

One of the few species that was found to be resistant to severe glyphosate contamination was Scapholeberis mucronata, a freshwater zooplankter commonly found in QuΓ©bec and elsewhere in North...

Experts: International Day for Biological Diversity | May 22

Published: 19 May 2021

As the global community is called to re-examine our relationship to the natural world, one thing is certain: despite all our technological advances, humans are completely dependent on healthy and...

New Canadian headquarters for global biodiversity research network

Published: 6 July 2020

The Group on Earth Observations - Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), a global research network and community of practice dedicated to improved monitoring of Earth’s biodiversity, announces...

NEWSWEEK | Glyphosate herbicide roundup triggers loss of biodiversity among freshwater algae

Published: 4 March 2020

The glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup has been found to trigger the loss of biodiversity among phytoplankton communities in freshwater ponds. In their experiments, scientists found that while some...


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