
Final Seminar

Natural Resource Sciences: Final Seminar

Time:Thursdays, 10:00-11:30am


Instructor:elena.bennett [at] mcgill.ca (Dr. Elena Bennett), MS2-062

Course numbers:

MSc (NRSC 651)

PhD (NRSC 754)

Course Description:

Graduate students in the Department of Natural Resource Sciences are required to give one Departmental Seminar towards the end of their program and will sign up to do so by registering for this 1-credit course. This will be organized as a "research symposium" at the end of each semester. This seminar is for students to present the main findings from their research, with an emphasis on the following:

  • The context of the research
  • Main objectives
  • The research methods
  • The results
  • A discussion of the implications of results as related to the larger research context.

It is important to recognize that the audience for this symposium will come from many different disciplines, so the seminar must be presented in a way that balances the discipline-specific findings with the more general, and broad message.

Fall 2015 Course Schedule:

Date Location Topic
October 1 Faculty Lounge MS2-022 All NRS Welcome
October 28 TBA Instructions on how to succeed in this class
November 19 TBA Practice presentations and feedback
TBA TBA Final Seminar presentation day

Expectations and evaluation

  • Students will attend scheduled seminars as directed by the Seminar Coordinator.
  • Students will attend the “Final NRS Symposium” at the end of each semester and give a presentation about their research.
  • The grade for the course will be based on the average mark given by professors evaluating the talks.

All members of the Department, including both professors and students, regardless of their registration in the seminar course, are expected to attend the final research symposium.

Note: MSc students will receive a letter grade whereas PhD students will be graded on a pass/fail basis

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