
Publications by other 鶹Լ researchers


World Cultures (Ethnology)


Biology publications


Crispo, E., and Chapman, L.J. 2009. Temporal variation in the population genetic structure of a riverine African cichlid fish. Journal of Heredity. In press.


Gotanda, K. G., K. Turgeon, and D. L. Kramer. 2009. Body size and reserve protection affect flight initiation distance in parrotfishes. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 1563-1572.

World Cultures (Ethnology) publications


Attas, M. 1987. The fineness of Tarentine didrachmas. Papers in Greek Archaeology and History in Memory of Colin D. Gordon, edited by John M. Fossey. 鶹Լ Monographs in Classical Archaeology and History, v. 1, pp. 99-115. Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben.


Bisson, M. 2001. Interview with a Neanderthal: an experimental approach for reconstructing scraper production rules, and their implications for imposed form in Middle Palaeolithic tools, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, volume 11, number 2, 2001, pp. 165-84.

Bisson, M. and Bolduc, P. 1994. Previously undescribed Gravettian female figurines from the Grimaldi Caves, Italy. Current Anthropology, v. 35, n. 2, pp. 458 - 68.


Hedgcock, F.T, Moreau, A., Marshall, H. and Kennedy, G. 1986. Nondestructive Physical Examination of Corroded Lead. Proceedings of the 24th International Archaeometry Symposium, Smithsonian Institution, 14-18 May 1984, ed. by J.S. Olin and M.J. Blackman. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 243-248.


Holland, A. M. 1998. Exhibit catalogue, Napoleon’s Expedition to Egypt: A Bicentenary Exhibition, Montreal, 鶹Լ Libraries, (Redpath material is listed pp. 2-19).


Tees, E.A. 1993. La Collection des antiquités gréco-romaines de l'Université 鶹Լ. MAHCUM/MUMCAH, n. 4, Fascicule 2 - The Ancient and Classicising Finger - Rings and Gems. 鶹Լ Monographs in Classical Archaeology and History. Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben, xiv, pp. 82, pl. 28.


Trigger, B.G. 1994. The John Garstang cylinders from Meroe in the Redpath Museum at 鶹Լ, in Hommages à Jean Leclant, BIBLIOTHÈQUE D’Étude 106/2, edited by C. Berger, G. Clerc, and N. Grimal, pp. 389-97. Cairo: L'Institut français d'archéologie orientale.


Woloch, G.M. (ed.) 1985. The 鶹Լ Collection of Greek and Roman Coins, (vol. I by D.H.E Whitehead, vols. II-III by F.E. Shlosser). Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner Publishing Company, pp. 554.


Zoïtopoúlou, E. 2003. Nouvelles lampes de la collection de l’université 鶹Լ. Nouveautés Lychnologiques, pp. 265-83.

Zoïtopoúlou, E. and Fossey, J.M. 1992. La Collection des antiquités gréco-romaines de l'Université 鶹Լ. MAHCUM/MUMCAH, n. 4, Fascicule 1 - Les Lampes gréco- romaines. 鶹Լ Monographs in Classical Archaeology and History. Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben, pp. 279.

Geology publications


Stearn, C.W. 1989. Intraspecific variability and species concepts in Paleozoic stromatoporoids. Mem. Ass. Australas. Paleontols., v. 8, pp. 45-50.

Stearn, C.W. 1988. Stromatoporoids from the Famennian (Devonian) Wabamun Formation, Normandville Oilfield, North-central Alberta, Canada. J. Paleont., v. 62, no. 3, pp. 411-419.

Stearn, C.W. and Mah, A.J. 1987. Skeletal microstructure of Paleozoic stromatoporoids and its mineralogical implications. Palaios, v. 2, pp. 76-84.

Stearn, C.W. and Klappa, H. 1984. Growth forms and macrostructural elements of the coralline sponges. Paleontographica Americana, no. 54, pp. 315-325.

Land Acknowledgement

鶹Լ is on land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. We acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous peoples whose presence marks this territory on which peoples of the world now gather.

The Redpath Museum's director EDI statement.

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