December 4, 2007

Faculty of Science, Meeting of Faculty
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
3:00 p.m., Leacock Council Room (L232)


(Three Minutes)

  • Prof. Lea Berrang-Ford, Department of Geography
  • Prof. Anthony Mittermaier, Department of Chemistry

Adoption of Agenda

AGENDA [.pdf]

Class Scheduling Software

Anna Walsh and Nermein Gamal

  • Presentation (5-10 minutes)
  • Questions and Answers (10-15 minutes)

Minutes of November 6, 2007

MINUTES [.pdf]

Business Arising from the Minutes

Reports of Committees

a) Scholarships Committee:
Associate Dean Leighton - New Award - S-07-18 [.pdf]
b) Academic Committee:
Associate Dean Hendren - S-07-19 [.pdf]
Click Here for Academic Committee Documents

Dean's Business

Feedback on Student Life and Learning Initiative

  • Discussion: Committee of the Whole (15 minutes)
  • Chair: Associate Dean (Research & Graduate Education) Burns

Report on Actions of Senate

  • Prof. R. Chase: Senate Meeting of November 7, 2007

Members' Question Period

Other Business

Celebrate the Season with your Colleagues

End-Of-Term Reception

In the Foyer Outside Leacock 232

Academic Committee Documents

New Programs

Minor in Interdisciplinary Life Sciences - AC-07-37 [.pdf](Rev. 2)

Major Program Changes


New Courses

(1) Psychology
PSYC 409 - AC-07-29 [.pdf]
(2) Biology
BIOL 585 - AC-07-34 [.pdf]
(3) Chemistry
CHEM 287 - AC-07-38 [.pdf]
CHEM 297 - AC-07-39 [.pdf]
Associated Course Retirements:
CHEM 257D1/D2 - AC-07-40 [.pdf]
CHEM 277D1/D2 - AC-07-41 [.pdf]
(4) Neuroscience
NSCI 200 - AC-07-57 [.pdf]
NSCI 201 - AC-07-58 [.pdf]
NSCI 300 - AC-07-59 [.pdf]
NSCI 400 - AC-07-60 [.pdf]
NSCI 410 - AC-07-61 [.pdf]
NSCI 420 - AC-07-62 [.pdf]
Associated Program Changes:
Major in Neuroscience - AC-07-63A [.pdf]AC-07-63B [.pdf]

Major Course Changes

(1) Computer Science
COMP 527 - AC-07-35 [.pdf]
(2) Chemistry
CHEM 522 - AC-07-49 [.pdf]
Report on Minor Course Changes (For Information only)- AC-07-24 (REV) [.pdf]
(1) Psychology
PSYC 100 - MCC-07-15 [.pdf]
PSYC 211 - MCC-07-16 [.pdf]
PSYC 316 - MCC-07-17 [.pdf]
PSYC 318 - MCC-07-18 [.pdf]
PSYC 333 - MCC-07-19 [.pdf]
PSYC 352 - MCC-07-20 [.pdf]
PSYC 537 - MCC-07-21 [.pdf]
PSYC 412 - MCC-07-22 [.pdf]
(2) Anatomy & Cell Biology
ANAT 381 - MCC-07-23[.pdf]
ANAT 432, 432D1/D2 - MCC-07-24 [.pdf]
(3) Biology
BIOL 300 - MCC-07-25 [.pdf]
BIOL 385 - MCC-07-26 [.pdf]
(4) Computer Science
COMP 303 - MCC-07-27 [.pdf]
COMP 462 - MCC-07-28 [.pdf]
COMP 561 - MCC-07-29 [.pdf]
COMP 621 - MCC-07-30 [.pdf]
(5) Earth & Planetary Sciences
EPSC 655 - MCC-07-31[.pdf]
(6) Chemistry
CHEM 621 - MCC-07-32 [.pdf]
(7) Physiology
PHGY 213 - MCC-07-33 [.pdf]
PHGY 312 - MCC-07-34 [.pdf]
PHGY 313 - MCC-07-35 [.pdf]
PHGY 209 - MCC-07-38 [.pdf]
(8) Mathematics & Statistics
MATH 420 and MATH 480 - MCC-07-36/MCC-07-37 [.pdf]
Report on Minor Program Changes (For Information only)- AC-07-P2 [.pdf]
(1) Mathematics & Statistics
Joint Major in Mathematics & Computer Science - AC-07-25 [.pdf]
Joint Major in Statistics & Computer Science - AC-07-26 [.pdf]
Joint Honours in Mathematics & Computer Science - AC-07-27 [.pdf]
Joint Honours in Statistics & Computer Science - AC-07-28[.pdf]
(2) Psychology
- B.Sc. Program Changes:
Major in Psychology - AC-07-30 [.pdf]
Honours in Psychology - AC-07-31 [.pdf]
Core Science Component in Psychology - AC-07-32 [.pdf]
B.A. & Sc. Joint Honours Component in Psychology - AC-07-33 [.pdf]
- B.A. Program Changes (Documents available upon request):
- Minor Concentration in Behavioural Science
- Major Concentration in Psychology
- Honours in Psychology
- Joint Honours Component in Psychology
(3) Chemistry
B.Sc. Multiple Changes in Memo Form - AC-07-42 [.pdf]
B.Sc. Honours in Chemistry with Materials Option - AC-07-43 [.pdf]
B.Sc. Liberal Core Science Components:
Biological Option - AC-07-44 [.pdf]
Physical Option - AC-07-45 [.pdf]
General Option - AC-07-46 [.pdf]
B.Sc./B.A. & Sc. Minor in Chemistry - AC-07-47 [.pdf]
B.A. & Sc. Major Concentration in Chemistry - AC-07-48 [.pdf]
Graduate Program Changes:
M.Sc. in Chemistry with Chemical Biology Option/Concentration - AC-07-50 [.pdf]
Ph.D. in Chemistry with Chemical Biology Option/Concentration - AC-07-51 [.pdf]
(4) Biochemistry
Major in Biochemistry - AC-07-52 [.pdf]
Honours in Biochemistry - AC-07-53 [.pdf]
Other (For Approval)
(1) Retirement of B.A. & Sc. Major Concentration in Biomedical Sciences - To be Tabled
(2) Exemption for B.Sc. Liberal Students Taking a Major Concentration in Music, to the Regulation Regarding Credits Outside the Faculties of Arts and of Science - AC-07-54 [.pdf]
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