March 14, 2017

Faculty of Science
Meeting of FacultyÌý
Tuesday March 14, 2017
3:00p.m., Leacock Council Room (232)

Research Presentations (3 minutes)

Professor Tim Hoheisel, Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Professor Mathieu Roy, Department of Psychology

1. ÌýAdoption of Agenda

PDF icon facultyagenda14march2017.pdf

2. Minutes of 14 February 2017 (S-16-27)

PDF icon facultyminutes14february2017.pdf

3. Business Arising from the Minutes

4. Report of Committee

- Academic Committee:Ìý Associate Dean (Academic) Tamara Western (S-16-28)

PDF icon acreportfacultymtg14march2017.pdf

5. Dean's Business

- Announcements

6. Reports of Director & Associate Deans

a) Director (Advising Services) Nicole Allard

b) Associate Dean (Graduate Education) Laura Nilson

c) Associate Dean (Research) Doina Precup

d) Associate Dean (Academic) Tamara Western

7. Report on Actions of Senate

Prof. Peter Grütter: Senate Meeting of 15 February, 2017

8. Members' Question Period

9. Other Business

The Academic Committee approved the following on Tuesday, 21 February 2017:

(1) Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences/Earth & Planetary Sciences/Geography

New Course:

ATOC/EPSC/GEOG 473 Arctic Field Research AC-16-51

PDF icon atoc-epsc-geog473newcoursecombinedproposals.pdf

New Field Study Semester:

- Â鶹ԼÅÄ Arctic Field Study Semester AC-16-52

PDF icon mcgillarcticfieldstudysemester.pdf

Program Revisions:

- Minor in Field Studies AC-16-53

PDF icon fieldstudyminorrevision.pdf

Related Course Revisions:

ATOC 373 Arctic Climate & Climate Change AC-16-58

PDF icon atoc_373_courserevision.pdf

EPSC 373 Arctic Geology AC-16-59

PDF icon epsc_373_courserevision.pdf

GEOG 373 Arctic Geomorphology AC-16-60

PDF icon epsc_373_courserevision.pdf

(2) Geography

New Course:

GEOG 670 Wetlands-Advanced AC-16-54

PDF icon geog_670_newcourse.pdf

(3) Psychology

Program Changes:

B.A. & Sc.; Major Concentration in Psychology AC-16-56

PDF icon basc_psyc_majorconc.pdf



Next Meeting: 18 April 2017

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