
2010-2011 Software Engineering (8 semester) Curriculum


Curriculum for the eight semester program can be found below.

For a printer friendly version, you can download the following file:
Software Engineering 8 Semester Curriculum [.pdf]

Second ( Fall ) Semester ( TOTAL = 15 cr )

CHEM 110 General Chemistry 1 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MATH 140 Calculus 1 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHYS 131 Mechanics and Waves 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MATH 133 Linear Algebra and Geometry 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

FACC 100 Intro to the Eng. Profession 1 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

Second ( Winter ) Semester ( TOTAL = 18 cr )

CHEM 120 General Chemistry 2 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MATH 141 Calculus 2 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHYS 142 Electromagnetism & Optics 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

XXXX xxx (3) Humanities and Social Sciences 1 *
XXXX xxx (3) Impact of Technology on Society **

Third ( Fall ) Semester (TOTAL = 18 cr )

COMP 202 Foundations of Programming 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

COMP 250 Intro to Computer Science 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 200 Electric Circuits 1 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

CCOM 206 Course not available
MATH 262 Intermediate Calculus 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MATH 263 ODEs for Engineers 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

Fourth ( Winter ) Semester ( TOTAL = 17 cr )

ECSE 210 Electric Circuits 2 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 221 Course not available
ECSE 291 Course not available
MATH 270 Course not available
MATH 264 Adv Calculus for Engineers 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

XXXX xxx (3) Humanities and Social Sciences 2 *

Fifth ( Fall ) Semester (TOTAL = 18 cr )

COMP 251 Algorithms and Data Structures 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 211 Design Principles and Methods 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 306 Course not available
ECSE 321 Intro. to Software Engineering 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 322 Course not available
MIME 310 Course not available

Sixth ( Winter ) Semester (TOTAL = 18 cr )

COMP 206 Intro to Software Systems 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

COMP 302 Programming Lang & Paradigms 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 305 Probability & Random Signals 1 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 330 Introduction to Electronics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 427 Operating Systems 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MATH 363 Course not available

Seventh ( Fall ) Semester ( TOTAL = 16 cr )

COMP 360 Algorithm Design 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 420 Parallel Computing 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 429 Software Validation 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 456 ECSE Design Project 1 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

FACC 400 Eng Professional Practice 1 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

XXXX xxx t1 (3) Technical Complementary 1

Eighth ( Winter ) Semester ( TOTAL = 15 cr )

COMP 421 Database Systems 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 428 Software Engineering Practice 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 457 ECSE Design Project 2 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

XXXX xxx t2 (3) Technical Complementary 2
XXXX xxx t3 (3) Technical Complementary 3


Courses shown in boldface above must be passed with a grade "C" or better. A "D" is only acceptable in the courses not in boldface.  Also, a grade of “C” is required in all prerequisites in order to proceed with the follow-on courses.

Technical Complementary courses are selected from this list.

* For instructions on selecting valid “Humanities and Social Sciences” courses, see the ECE website
(Undergraduate Studies > Program Information > Complementary Studies).

** For instructions on selecting valid “Impact of Technology on Society” courses, see the ECE website
(Undergraduate Studies > Program Information > Complementary Studies).

This sample curriculum is only for students who wish to complete their degree requirements in 8 semesters. Students may, at any time, deviate from this structure. However, it will be the student's responsibility to devise a study plan that has no course conflicts or prerequisite/corequisite violations. Academic advisors are available for help with course selection.

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