About E. W. Crampton

Earle W. Crampton, Ph.D.
1895 - 1983

Earle W. Crampton was born in Middletown, Connecticut and received his B.S. from the University of Connecticut, M.S. from Iowa State College and Ph.D. from Cornell University. Dr. Crampton was associated with the Faculty of Agriculture at Macdonald College of Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ for 51 years. He joined the Department of Animal Husbandry in 1922 and, in 1941, was appointed Chairman of the newly established Department of Nutrition, a position which Professor Crampton held until his retirement in 1960. In 1965, he was appointed Emeritus Professor of Nutrition and continued working until 1973.

Dr. Crampton initiated the nutrition research programme in 1925 and pioneered a wide range of studies with various farm animals and with humans. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Chemical Institute of Canada, Agricultural Institute of Canada and American Society of Animal Science (A.S.A.S.). He served on the Canadian Council of Nutrition, U.S. National Research Council Committee on Animal Nutrition and was President of American Society of Animal Science and the Nutrition Society of Canada. He was awarded the Commandeur de l'Ordre du Merite Agricole (Quebec) in 1942, the American Feed Manufacturer's Award for research in animal nutrition in 1948 and the Morrison Award for research in animal production in 1955. In 1960 he was awarded the D.Sc. (honoris causa) by the University of Reading.

In recognition of Dr. Crampton's long distinguished service to the Faculty of Agriculture of Macdonald College and his outstanding contributions to the development of human and animal nutrition, the Dean of Faculty of Agriculture established, in 1973, the Earle W. Crampton Award for distinguished Service in Nutrition.

A biography of Dr. Crampton has been published by Dr. E. Donefer in the Journal of Animal Science, vol. 75: 295-299, 1997.

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