Performance Exams Options (Orchestral Instruments, Guitar M.Mus.)


MUPG 600 Recital Project 1 9 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

Optional (9 credits from the following):

MUPG 601 Recital Project 2 9 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MUPG 602 Recital Project 3 6 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MUPG 603 Recital Project 4 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MUPG 604 Chamber Music Recital 6 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MUPG 605 Course not available

MUPG 606 Interdisciplinary Project 1 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MUPG 607 Interdisciplinary Project 2 6 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MUPG 608 Orchestral Repertoire Exam 1 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MUPG 609 Orchestral Repertoire Exam 2 6 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MUPG 610 Orchestral Repertoire Exam 3 9 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

Performance Exam Guidelines

Beginning of year: Book the hall for your recital with the Production Office, Room C208.

The following deadlines apply for all exams listed above.

Submit your Graduate Exam Application Form by (this is a different form than the one given by the Production Office):

  • October 1st for exams between November and January;
  • December 1st for exams between February and March;
  • February 15th for exams between April and October:

Submit program notes up to 3 weeks before your exam, if applicable.

Planning the Performance Project

  • Discuss with your teacher how to use and schedule options to complete 18 credits of thesis exams required or your program, including planning for the 2nd year.
  • Violin, viola and cello majors are not permitted to play a concerto on their program for MUPG 601 and 602
  • Students are encouraged to include in their recital programs (MUPG 601 and 602) works by composers from a diverse range of backgrounds and cultures. The following links can serve as a starting point for repertoire research:

Orchestral Repertoire Exam Guidelines and Repertoire

Exams take place during the undergraduate exam period in December and April.

Selecting your exam

When opting to register for an orchestral repertoire examination, take these steps:

  1. Ask your teacher about the exam requirements. In some areas, a solo work and/or a concerto movement may be required. Also, some instruments/areas have requirements that go beyond the minimum number of excerpts for each exam. This is based on the instrumental area's professional culture and pedagogical goals.
  2. Discuss exam format options with your teacher. This can range from a performance of a selected number of excerpts from your list (see minimum requirements for exam, below), on the mode of a professional orchestral audition, to the performance of all the excerpts prepared.
  3. Ask your teacher for a written description of the exam format and requirements that you have agreed on.
  4. Register for the exam. By doing this, you are indicating that you understand the exam procedures written out by your teacher.

Preparing for your exam

  • Select the excerpts with your teacher. See your instrument below for additional requirements associated with each exam.
  • Prepare three copies of your excerpts to submit to your examination panel. The jurors will write their comments directly on the copies you have provided.
  • Forward the written exam description your teacher prepared to the Music Graduate Studies Office (graduatestudies.music [at] mcgill.ca) at least two weeks before your exam.

Exam options and excerpts

You can choose from three exams:

MUPG 608 Orchestral Repertoire Exam 1 (3 credits)

  • Maximum 25 minutes of repertoire; a minimum of 10 excerpts prepared. The excerpts to be performed will be chosen by the panel at the time of the exam.  See your instrument below for additional requirements associated with each exam.

MUPG 609 Orchestral Repertoire Exam 2 (6 credits)

  • Maximum 40 minutes of repertoire; a minimum of 20 excerpts prepared. The excerpts to be performed will be chosen by the panel at the time of the exam. See your instrument below for additional requirements associated with each exam.

MUPG 610 Orchestral Repertoire Exam 3 (9 credits)

  • Maximum 80 minutes of repertoire; a minimum of 30 excerpts prepared. The excerpts to be performed will be chosen by the panel at the time of the exam. See your instrument below for additional requirements associated with each exam. Sight-reading of excerpts not on the excerpt list from the standard repertoire may be added at the discretion of the examining panel.

Exam excerpts and specific minimum requirements are outlined by instrument:


  1. Beethoven, Leonore Overture No. 3, op.72b
  2. Beethoven, Symphony No. 4 in B-Flat Major, op.60, mvt. IV
  3. Beethoven, Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, op.125 (“Cłó´Ç°ů˛ą±ô”), mvt. IV
  4. Beethoven, Violin Concerto in D Major, op.61, mvts. II + IV
  5. Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique, mvts. IV + V
  6. Brahms, Symphony No. 3 in F Major, op.90, mvts. I + IV
  7. Brahms, Violin Concerto in D Major, op.77, mvts. II (second bassoon)
  8. Haydn, Symphony No. 88 in G Major, mvts. I + IV
  9. Mahler, Symphony No. 1 in D Major (“Tľ±łŮ˛ą˛Ô”), mvt. III
  10. Mozart, Le nozze di Figaro Overture, K. 492
  11. Mozart, Symphony No. 35 in D Major, K.385 (“H˛ą´Ú´Ú˛Ô±đ°ů”), mvt. IV
  12. Mozart, Symphony No. 41 in C Major, K.551 (“JłÜ±čľ±łŮ±đ°ů”), mvt. IV
  13. Ravel, Alborada del gracioso
  14. Ravel, Bolero
  15. Ravel, Piano Concerto in G Major, mvts. I + III (mvt. III: both parts combined)
  16. Ravel, Rhapsodie espagnole (second bassoon)
  17. Respighi, Trittico Botticelliano, mvt. II (L’Adorazione dei Magi)
  18. Rimsky-Korsakov, Scheherazade, op. 35, mvt. II (solo + cadenzas)
  19. Shostakovich, Symphony No. 9 in E-Flat Major, op. 70, mvt. IV + V
  20. Ěýł§łľ±đłŮ˛ą˛Ô˛ą, The Bartered Bride Overture (second bassoon)
  21. Strauss, Richard, Don Quixote; Fantastische Variationen ĂĽber ein Thema ritterlichen Charakters, op. 35, Variation IX (second bassoon)
  22. Strauss, Richard, Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, op. 28
  23. Stravinsky, The Firebird Suite, 1919 version, (Berceuse)
  24. Stravinsky, Pulcinella Suite, 1949 revised version, (Gavotte)
  25. Stravinsky, The Rite of Spring
  26. Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, op.36, mvt. II
  27. Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, op.64, mvts. I, II + III
  28. Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, op.74 (“±Ę˛ąłŮłóĂ©łŮľ±±çłÜ±đ”), mvt. I
  29. Verdi, Messa da Requiem, (Dies Irae: Quid sum miser)
  30. Wagner, °Ő˛ą˛Ô˛ÔłóäłÜ˛ő±đ°ů Overture, 1860 Paris version (second bassoon)


You must include a movement of unaccompanied Bach and a movement of a major concerto (with cadenza, if applicable) by memory.

  1. Solo Music
    1. Dvořák: – Concerto in B Minor, op. 104 (1st mvt.)
    2. Haydn – D Major Concerto, Hob. VIIb/2 (1st mvt.)
    3. Bach, J.S. – Cello suites, Prelude and Sarabande
  2. Orchestral Excerpts
    1. Beethoven – Symphony no. 5 in C Minor, op. 67 (2nd and 3rd mvts.)
    2. Beethoven – Symphony no. 8 in F Major, op. 93 (3rd mvt Trio)
    3. Beethoven – Symphony no. 9 in D Minor, op. 125 (3rd mvt. and 4th mvt recitative)
    4. Brahms – Symphony no. 2 in D Major, op. 73 (2nd mvt.)
    5. Brahms – Symphony no. 3 in F Major, op. 90 (3rd mvt.)
    6. Brahms – Symphony no. 4 in E Minor, op. 98 (movements 1 & 4)
    7. Debussy – La Mer (cello quartet passage starting 2 before figure 9)
    8. Mahler – Symphony no. 5 in C-sharp Minor (movements 1, 2 & 5)
    9. Mendelssohn – Ein Sommernachtstraum (Midsummer Night’s Dream) (Scherzo)
    10. Mozart – Symphony no. 35 in D Major, K. 385, (Haffner) (1st and 4th mvts.)
    11.  Mozart – Symphony no. 40 in G Minor, K. 550 (movements 1 & 4)
    12. Mozart – Symphony no. 41 in C Major, K. 551, (Jupiter) (movements 1 & 4)
    13. Mozart – Overture to Le Nozze di Figaro (Marriage of Figaro), K. 492
    14. Prokofiev – Romeo and Juliet, Suite (Op. 64)
    15. Prokofiev – Symphony no. 5 in B-flat Major, op. 100 (movements 1-4)
    16. Schubert – Symphony in C Major, D. 944 (Great) (movements 2, 3 & 4)
    17. Tchaikovsky – Symphony no. 4 in F Minor, op. 36 (2nd mvt.)
    18. Tchaikovsky – Symphony no. 6 in B Minor, op. 74 (2nd mvt.)
    19. Smetana – Overture to The Bartered Bride
    20. R. Strauss – Don Juan, op. 20
    21. R. Strauss – Ein Heldenleben, op. 40
    22. Verdi – Messa da Requiem, “Offertorio”
  3. III. Orchestral Solos
    1. Beethoven – Overture Geschöpfe des Prometheus (Creatures of Prometheus) (solo, 2nd Act, #5, Adagio)
    2. Brahms – Piano Concerto no. 2 in B-flat Major, op. 83 (3rd mvt.)
    3. Mozart – Don Giovanni, Act I, Andante Grazioso
    4. Rossini – Overture to Guillaume Tell (William Tell)
    5. Shostakovich – Symphony no. 1, op. 10
    6. Shostakovich – Symphony no. 15, op. 141
    7. R. Strauss – Don Quixote, op. 35
    8. R. Strauss – Der Bürger als Edelmann (Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme), op. 60
    9. Verdi – Rigoletto, Act II
    10. von Suppé – Overture to Dichter und Bauer (Poet and Peasant)
    11. von Suppé – Overture to Morgen, ein Mittag, ein Abend in Wien (Morning, Noon and Night in
    12. Vienna)


Prepare 27 of the orchestral excerpts below plus three additional excerpts to be chosen by you and your teacher for a total of (30) orchestral excerpts.

The E-flat and Bass Clarinet parts are not required. They could be included based on the teacher’s recommendation.

First Clarinet Parts:

  1. Beethoven – Symphony no. 4 in B-flat Major, op. 60
  2. Beethoven – Symphony no. 6 in F Major, op. 68, (Pastoral)
  3. Beethoven – Symphony no. 8 in F Major, op. 93
  4. Borodin – Prince Igor, “Polovtsian Dances”
  5. Brahms – Symphony no. 1 in C Minor, op. 68
  6. Brahms – Symphony no. 3 in F Major, op. 90
  7. Brahms, Symphony No. 4 in E Minor, op. 98
  8. Gershwin – Rhapsody in Blue
  9. Mendelssohn – Ein Sommernachtsraum (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) “Scherzo”
  10. Mendelssohn, Symphony No. 3 in A Minor, op. 56 (Scotch or Scottish)
  11. Mendelssohn, Symphony No. 4 in A Major, op. 90 (Italian)
  12. Nielsen, Symphony No. 5, op.50
  13. Prokofiev – Peter and the Wolf
  14. Rachmaninoff, Symphony No. 2 in E Minor, op.27
  15. Ravel – Daphnis and Chloe, Suite no. 2
  16. Respighi – Pini di Roma
  17. Rimsky-Korsakov – Capriccio Espagnol, op. 34
  18. Rimsky-Korsakov – Scheherazade, op. 35
  19. Rossini – Overture to Semiramide
  20. Schubert – Symphony no. 8 in B Minor, D. 759, (Unfinished)
  21. Shostakovich – Symphony no. 1, op. 10
  22. Shostakovich – Symphony no. 9, op. 70
  23. Sibelius – Symphony no. 1 in E Minor, op. 39
  24. R. Strauss – Don Juan, op. 20
  25. R. Strauss – Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, op. 28
  26. Stravinsky – Firebird Suite (1919)
  27. Tchaikovsky – Symphony no. 4 in F Minor, op. 36
  28. Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, op. 64
  29. Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, op. 74 (±Ę˛ąłŮłóĂ©łŮľ±±çłÜ±đ)

E-flat Clarinet Parts:

  1. Berlioz – Symphonie fantastique, op. 14
  2. Ravel – Daphnis and Chloe, Suite no. 2
  3. Ravel – Bolero
  4. Ravel – Piano Concerto in G
  5. R. Strauss – Till Eulenspeigels lustige Streiche, op. 28
  6. Stravinsky – Le Sacre du printemps

Bass Clarinet Parts:

  1. Grofé – Grand Canyon Suite
  2. Shostakovich – Violin Concerto
  3. R. Strauss – Don Quixote, op. 35
  4. Stravinsky – Le Sacre du printemps
  5. Wagner – Tristan und Isolde, Act II

Double bass

You must include a movement of unaccompanied Bach and a movement of a major concerto (with cadenza, if applicable) by memory.

List A

  1. Beethoven: Symphony no. 5 in C Minor, op. 67 (movement II)
  2. Beethoven: Symphony no. 5 in C Minor, op. 67 (movement III)
  3. Mozart: Symphony no. 39 in E-flat Major, K. 543 (movement I)
  4. Mozart: Symphony no. 39 in E-flat Major, K. 543 (movement IV)
  5. Brahms: Symphony no. 1 in C Minor, op. 68 (movement I)
  6. Brahms: Symphony no. 1 in C Minor, op. 68 (movement II)
  7. Brahms: Symphony no. 1 in C Minor, op. 68 (movement IV)
  8. Tchaikovsky: Symphony no. 4 in F Minor, op. 36 (movement I)
  9. Bach, J.S.: Suite no. 2 for orchestra, BWV 1067
  10. Mahler: Symphony no. 1 in D Major, solo

List B

  1. Beethoven: Symphony no. 7 in A Major, op. 92 (movement I) 12. Brahms: Symphony no. 2 in D Major, op. 73 (movement I) 13. Brahms: Symphony no. 2 in D Major, op. 73 (movement II) 14. Brahms: Symphony no. 2 in D Major, op. 73 (movement IV) 15. Strauss: Ein Heldenleben, op. 40
  2. Mozart: Symphony no. 35 in D Major, K. 385 (movement I) 17. Mozart: Symphony no. 35 in D Major, K. 385 (movement IV) 18. Verdi: Otello, Act IV, Scene 3, section solo
  3. Prokofiev: Suite from Lieutenant Kijé (solo)
  4. Britten: Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, op. 34

List C

  1. Beethoven: Symphony no. 9 in D Minor, op. 125 (movement I)
  2. Beethoven: Symphony no. 9 in D Minor, op. 125 (movement IV)
  3. Mozart: Symphony no. 40 in G Minor, K. 550, (Jupiter) (movement I) 24. Mozart: Symphony no. 40 in G Minor, K. 550, (Jupiter) (movement IV) 25. R. Strauss: Don Juan, op. 20
  4. Mahler: Symphony no. 2 in C Minor (1st page)
  5. Shostakovich: Symphony no. 5, op. 47
  6. Ginastera: Variaciones Concertantes (solo)
  7. Stravinsky: Pulcinella (solo)
  8. Haydn: Symphony no. 31 in D Major (Hob.I:31) (solo)


MUPG 610 notes: Sight reading of excerpts not on this list from the standard orchestral repertoire may be added at the discretion of the examining panel.


  • Bach Aus Liebe
  • Beethoven - Leonore Overture No. 3
  • Beethoven - Symphony No. 3
  • Beethoven - Symphony No. 4
  • Bizet - Carmen No. 1
  • Brahms - Symphony No. 1
  • Brahms - Symphony No. 4
  • Debussy - PrĂ©lude Ă  l'après-midi d'un faune
  • Dvorak - Symphony No. 8
  • Dukas - Sorcerer's Apprentice
  • Gluck - Danse of the Blessed Spirits (Ballet Suite No. 1) Hindemith - Symphonic Metamorphoses
  • Mendelssohn - Scherzo from Midsummers Night's Dream Prokofiev - Classical Symphony
  • Prokofiev - Peter and the Wolf
  • Ravel - Daphnis and Chloe Suite No. 2
  • Ravel - Bolero
  • Rimsky-Korsakov - Capriccio Espagnol Rimsky-Korsakov - Scheherazade
  • Rossini - William Tell Overture
  • Saint-Saens - Carnaval des Animaux
  • Schumann - Symphony No. 1
  • Strauss - Till Eulenspigiel
  • Strauss - Death and Transfiguration
  • Strauss - Symphonia Domestica
  • Strauss - Salome
  • Stravinsky - Chant du Rossignol
  • Stravinsky - Firebird Suite
  • Stravinsky - Petrouchka

Second Flute:

  • Dvorak, New World Symphony
  • Mendelssohn, Fourth Symphony
  • Ravel,Daphnis and Chloe
  • Ravel, Mother Goose
  • Smetana, Moldau


  • Beethoven - Symphony No. 9
  • Berlioz - La Damnation de Faust
  • Berlioz - Symphonie Fantastique
  • Rossini - La Gazza Ladra
  • Rossini - Semiramide
  • Stravinsky - Firebird Suite
  • Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 4

French horn

MUPG 610 notes: Sight reading of excerpts not on this list from the standard orchestral repertoire may be added at the discretion of the examining panel.

  1. Bach – Brandenburg Concerto no. 1, BWV 1046
  2. Bach – Mass in B minor, BWV 232
  3. Beethoven – Overture to Fidelio
  4. Beethoven – Symphony no. 3 in E-flat major, op. 55
  5. Beethoven – Symphony no. 6 in F major, op. 68 (Pastoral)
  6. Beethoven – Symphony no. 7 in A major, op. 92
  7. Beethoven – Symphony no. 8 in F major, op. 93
  8. Beethoven – Symphony no. 9 in d minor, op. 125
  9. Berlioz – “Queen Mab Scherzo” from Roméo et Juliette, Op. 17
  10. Brahms – Concerto for Piano no. 1 in d minor, op. 15
  11. Brahms – Concerto for Piano no. 2 in B-flat major, op. 83
  12. Brahms – Symphony no. 1 in c minor, op. 68
  13. Brahms – Symphony no. 2 in D major, op. 73
  14. Brahms – Symphony no. 3 in F major, op. 90
  15. Brahms – Symphony no. 4 in e minor, op. 98
  16. Bruckner – Symphony no. 4
  17. Dvořák – Concerto for Cello in b minor, op. 104
  18. Dvořák – Symphony no. 9 in e minor, op. 95
  19. Franck – Symphony in d minor
  20. Haydn – Symphony no. 31 (Hornsignal)
  21. Mahler – Symphony no. 1 in D major
  22. Mahler – Symphony no. 5 in c-sharp minor
  23. Mendelssohn – “Nocturne” from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, op. 64
  24. Mendelssohn – Symphony no. 3 in a minor, op. 56 (Scottish)
  25. Mozart – Symphony no. 40 in g minor, K. 550
  26. Mussorgsky, arr. Ravel – Pictures at an Exhibition
  27. Ravel – Bolero
  28. Ravel – Concerto for Piano in G major
  29. Ravel – Pavan for a Dead Princess
  30. Rossini – Overture to Semiramide
  31. Saint-Saëns – Symphony no. 3, op. 78 (Organ)
  32. Schubert – Symphony no. 9, D. 944 (Great)
  33. Schumann – Symphony no. 3, op. 97 (Rhenish)
  34. Shostakovich – Symphony no. 5, op. 47
  35. R. Strauss – Don Juan, op. 20
  36. R. Strauss – Don Quixote, op. 35
  37. R. Strauss – Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, op. 28
  38. Stravinsky – Firebird Suite (1919 version)
  39. Tchaikovsky – Symphony no. 4, op. 36
  40. Tchaikovsky – Symphony no. 5, op. 64
  41. Wagner – Götterdämmerung (short call)
  42. Wagner – Prelude to Das Rheingold 43. Wagner – Siegfried (long call)
  43. Weber – Overture to Der Freischütz 45. Weber – Overture to Oberon


MUPG 610 notes: Prepare all 26 orchestral excerpts listed below plus four additional excerpts to be chosen by the student and teacher for a total of thirty (30) orchestral excerpts. Sight reading of excerpts not on this list from the standard orchestral repertoire may be added at the discretion of the examining panel.

  1. Bartók – Concerto for Orchestra
  2. Beethoven – Symphony no. 3 in E-flat Major, op. 55
  3. Beethoven – Symphony no. 6 in F Major, op. 68
  4. Beethoven – Symphony no. 9 in D Minor, op. 125
  5. Berlioz – Roméo et Juliette
  6. Bizet – Symphony in C Major
  7. Brahms – Symphony no. l in C Minor, op. 68
  8. Brahms – Violin Concerto in D Major, op. 77
  9. Debussy – La Mer
  10. Falla – El Amor Brujo
  11. Haydn – Symphony no. 96 in D Major (H. I, 96)
  12. Ibert – Escales
  13. Mahler – Symphony no. 3 in D Minor
  14. Mendelssohn – Symphony no. 3 in A Minor, op. 56
  15. Mozart – Symphony no. 41 in C Major, K. 551, (Jupiter)
  16. Ravel – Le Tombeau de Couperin
  17. Ravel – La Valse
  18. Rimsky-Korsakov – Scheherazade, op. 35
  19. Rossini – L’italiana in Algieri, Overture
  20. Rossini – La Scala di Seta, Overture
  21. Schubert – Symphony no. 8 in B Minor, D. 759, (Unfinished)
  22. Schubert – Symphony no. 9 in C Major, D. 944, (Great)
  23. Schumann – Symphony no. 2 in C Major, op. 61
  24. Shostakovich – Symphony no. 1, op. 10
  25. Shostakovich – Symphony no. 7, op. 60
  26. R. Strauss – Don Juan, op. 20
  27. R. Strauss – Don Quixote, op. 35
  28. Stravinsky – Pulcinella Suite
  29. Stravinsky – Chant du Rossignol (Song of the Nightingale)
  30. Tchaikovsky – Symphony no. 4 in F Minor, op. 36


  • MUPG 608: Prepare 15 excerpts from the list below; snare and marimba solos are optional.
  • MUPG 609: Prepare 25-27 excerpts from the list below plus a snare solo and marimba solo.  The orchestral excerpts and the snare solo and marimba solo will be chosen by you and your teacher.
  • MUPG 610: Prepare the entire list below.


  1. One snare drum etude
  2. One movement from J. S. Bach: Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin or Suite for solo cello Suites on marimba

Timbales –

  1. Stravinsky – The Rite of Spring
  2. Tchaikovsky – Symphony no. 4 in F Minor, op. 36
  3. Saint-Saëns – Samson et Dalila, Act III, Scene 2, "Bacchanale"
  4. Mozart – Symphony no. 35 in D Major, K. 385
  5. Beethoven – Symphony no. 5 in C Minor, op. 67
  6. Stravinsky – Oedipus Rex
  7. Wagner – Götterdämmerung, Act III, "Siegfried's Funeral March"
  8. Britten – Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra
  9. R. Strauss – Der Rosenkavalier

Caisse-Claire –

  1. Bartók – Concerto for Orchestra
  2. Prokofiev – Romeo and Juliet, Suites 1 & 2
  3. Prokofiev – Suite from Lieutenant Kijé
  4. Ravel – Daphnis et Chloé
  5. Debussy – Nocturnes
  6. Prokofiev – Peter and the Wolf
  7. Rossini – La Gazza Ladra
  8. Rimsky-Korsakov – Capriccio Espagnol, op. 34
  9. Shostakovich – Symphony no. 7, op. 60
  10. W. Schuman – Symphony no. 3
  11. Rimsky-Korsakov – Scheherezade, op. 35
  12. Stravinsky – Les Noces

Glockenspiel –

  1. Wagner – Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
  2. Wagner – Götterdämmerung
  3. Wagner – Siegfried
  4. Tchaikovsky – Sleeping Beauty
  5. Stravinsky – Petrushka
  6. R. Strauss – Don Juan, op. 20
  7. Debussy – La Mer
  8. Respighi – Pini di Roma
  9. Mozart – Die Zauberflöte, K. 620
  10. Dukas – L’Apprenti Sorcier

Xylophone –

  1. Ravel – Ma Mère l’Oye
  2. Shostakovich – Polka
  3. Stravinsky – Firebird
  4. Stravinsky – Les Noces
  5. Gershwin – Porgy and Bess
  6. Kabalevsky – Colas Breugnon

Castagnettes –

  1. Wagner – °Ő˛ą˛Ô˛ÔłóäłÜ˛ő±đ°ů, Act I, "Bacchanale"

Tambour de Basque –

  1. Dvořák – Carnival Overture, op. 92

Grosse Caisse et Cymbales attachées –

  1. Stravinsky – Petrushka

Cymbales –

  1. Tchaikovsky – Symphony no. 4 in F Minor, op. 36


MUPG 610 notes: Sight reading of excerpts not on this list from the standard orchestral repertoire may be added at the discretion of the examining panel.

First Trombone Parts – Complete:

  1. Bartók – Miraculous Mandarin (Complete Ballet)
  2. Beethoven – Symphonies no. 5, 6 and 9 (Alto Trombone)
  3. Berlioz – Symphonie Fantastique, op. 14
  4. Berlioz – « Marche hongroise » (Rákóczi March or Hungarian March) from La Damnation de Faust
  5. Borodin – Prince Igor, “Polovtsian Dances”
  6. Brahms – Symphonies no 1, 2, 3 and 4
  7. Hindemith – Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by Carl Maria von Weber
  8. Mahler – Symphony no. 3 in D Minor
  9. Ravel – L’Enfant et les Sortilèges
  10. Ravel – Bolero
  11. Rossini – Guillaume Tell (William Tell) Overture
  12. Saint-Saëns – Symphony no. 3 in C Minor, op. 78
  13. Schumann – Symphonies no. 1 and 2
  14. Schumann – Symphonies no. 3 and 4 (Alto Trombone)
  15. R. Strauss – Ein Heldenleben, op. 40
  16. R. Strauss – Also sprach Zarathustra, op. 30
  17. R. Strauss – Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, op. 28
  18. Stravinsky – Firebird Suite (either edition)
  19. Wagner – Lohengrin (Prelude to Act III)
  20. Wagner – Die Walküre, Act III, “Der Ritt der Walküren” (“Ride of the Valkyries”)
  21. Wagner – °Ő˛ą˛Ô˛ÔłóäłÜ˛ő±đ°ů (Overture)

Second Trombone Parts – Complete:

  1. Bartók – Miraculous Mandarin (Complete Ballet)
  2. Mahler – Symphony no. 5 in C-sharp Minor
  3. Mozart – Requiem in D Minor, K. 626, “Tuba Mirum” 25. Rimsky-Korsakov – La Grande Pâque Russe (Overture) 26. Rimsky-Korsakov – Scheherezade, op. 35
  4. R. Strauss – Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, op. 28

Bass Trombone:

  1. Wagner – Die Walküre, Act III, “Der Ritt der Walküren” (“Ride of the Valkyries”) 29. Kodály – Hary János Suite
  2. R. Strauss – Ein Heldenleben, op. 40
  3. Wagner – °Ő˛ą˛Ô˛ÔłóäłÜ˛ő±đ°ů Overture
  4. Wagner – Das Rheingold (Finale, Entrance of the Gods)
  5. Schumann – Symphony no. 3 in E-flat Major, op. 97 (4th Mvt.)
  6. Franck – Symphony in D Minor
  7. Wagner – Lohengrin, prelude to Act III
  8. R. Strauss – Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, op. 28
  9. Haydn – Die Schöpfung (The Creation), no. 26, “Chor und Terzett: Achieved is the glorious work” 38. Beethoven – Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, op. 125
  10. Bartók – Miraculous Mandarin
  11. Respighi – Pini di Roma
  12. R. Strauss – Bürger als Edelmann (Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme), op. 60
  13. Rossini – Guillaume Tell (William Tell) Overture
  14. Berlioz – « Marche hongroise » (Rákóczi March or Hungarian March) from La Damnation de Faust 44. Bartók – Concerto for Orchestra
  15. Weinberger – Schwanda, the Bagpiper, Act II, Scene 1, “Fugue”
  16. Berg – Wozzeck
  17. Berlioz – Roman Carnival Overture
  18. Berlioz – Symphonie Fantastique, op. 14
  19. Borodin – Prince Igor, “Polovtsian Dances”
  20. Delibes – Coppélia (Mazurka)
  21. Mahler – Symphony no. 7
  22. Prokofiev – Lieutenant Kijé Suite
  23. Rossini – La Gazza Ladra Overture
  24. Schubert – Symphony no. 9 in C Major, D. 944
  25. Shostakovich – Symphony no. 5, op. 47
  26. R. Strauss – Also sprach Zarathustra, op. 30
  27. Stravinsky – Petrushka (1911)


MUPG 610 notes: Sight reading of excerpts not on this list from the standard orchestral repertoire may be added at the discretion of the examining panel.

  1. Bach, J.S. – Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243
  2. Bach, J.S. – Weihnachts-Oratorium (Christmas Oratorio), BWV 248
  3. Bartók – Concerto for Orchestra
  4. Beethoven – Leonore Overture no. 2
  5. Beethoven – Leonore Overture no. 3
  6. Bizet – Carmen, Suite no. 1
  7. Brahms – Akademische Festouvertüre (Academic Festival Overture)
  8. Brahms – Symphony no. 2 in D Major, op. 73
  9. Bruckner – Symphony no. 7 in E Major
  10. Copland – An Outdoor Overture
  11. Debussy – Nocturnes, “Fetes”
  12. Gershwin – Concerto in F (for piano and orchestra)
  13. Gershwin – An American in Paris
  14. Mahler – Symphony no. 1 in D Major
  15. Mahler – Symphony no. 2 in C Minor
  16. Mahler – Symphony no. 3 in D Minor (Posthorn solo)
  17. Mahler – Symphony no. 5 in C-sharp Minor
  18. Mussorgsky, arr. Ravel – Tableaux d’une exposition (Pictures at an Exhibition)
  19. Ravel – Concerto in G (for piano and orchestra)
  20. Respighi – Pini di Roma
  21. Rimsky-Korsakov – Scheherazade, op. 35
  22. Rimsky-Korsakov – Capriccio Espagnol, op. 34
  23. Schumann – Symphony no. 2 in C Major, op. 61
  24. Strauss, R. – Ein Heldenleben, op. 40 (B-flat & E-flat parts)
  25. Strauss, R. – Don Juan, op. 20
  26. Strauss, R. – Also sprach Zarathustra, op. 30
  27. Stravinsky – Petrushka (original and 1947 version)
  28. Tchaikovsky – Symphony no. 4 in F Minor, op. 36
  29. Tchaikovsky – Capriccio Italien, op. 45
  30. Wagner – °Ő˛ą˛Ô˛ÔłóäłÜ˛ő±đ°ů Overture
  31. Wagner – Parsifal


MUPG 610 notes: Sight reading of excerpts not on this list from the standard orchestral repertoire may be added at the discretion of the examining panel.

  1. Berlioz – « Marche hongroise » (« Rákóczi March » or « Hungarian March ») from La Damnation de Faust
  2. Berlioz – Overture to Le Corsaire, op. 21
  3. Berlioz – Symphonie fantastique, op. 14
  4. Berlioz – Roméo et Juliette, op. 17
  5. Brahms – Symphony no. 2 in D Major, op. 73
  6. Bruckner – Symphony no. 4 in E-flat Major, (Romantic)
  7. Bruckner – Symphony no. 7 in E Major
  8. Elgar – Variations on an Original Theme, op. 36, (Enigma)
  9. Franck – Symphony in D Minor
  10. Gershwin – An American in Paris
  11. Hindemith – Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by Carl Maria von Weber
  12. Holst – The Planets
  13. Mahler – Symphony no. 2 in C Minor
  14. Mahler – Symphony no. 5 in C-sharp Minor
  15. Mendelssohn – Sommernachtstraum (Midsummer Night’s Dream)
  16. Mussorgsky (arr. Ravel) – Tableaux d'une exposition (Pictures at an Exhibition)
  17. Prokofiev – Symphony no. 5 in B-flat Major, op. 100
  18. Prokofiev – Romeo and Juliet, Ballet
  19. Respighi – Fontane di Roma
  20. Revueltas – Sensemayá
  21. Strauss, R. – Ein Heldenleben, op. 40
  22. Strauss, R. – Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, op. 28
  23. Strauss, R. – Also sprach Zarathustra, op. 30
  24. Shostakovich – Symphony no. 5, op. 47
  25. Stravinsky – Petrushka (1911 and 1947)
  26. Tchaikovsky – Symphony no. 6 in B Minor, op. 74, (Pathéthique)
  27. Verdi – La Forza del Destino, Prelude
  28. Wagner – Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, prelude
  29. Wagner – Die Walküre, “Der Ritt der Walküren” (“Ride of the Valkyries”) from Act III
  30. Wagner – Lohengrin, prelude to Act III
  31. Wagner – Siegfried, “Act II


You must include a movement of unaccompanied Bach and a movement of a major concerto (with cadenza, if applicable) by memory.

  1. Adam – Giselle – viola solo
  2. Beethoven – Symphony no. 5 in C Minor, op. 67 (2nd mvt.)
  3. Beethoven – Symphony no. 3 in E-flat Major, op. 55 (Scherzo)
  4. Berlioz – Overture to Benvenuto Cellini, op. 23
  5. Berlioz – Overture to Le Carnaval Romain, op. 9
  6. Berlioz – Harold en Italie, op. 16 – Alto Principale
  7. Brahms – Symphony no. 2 in D Major, op. 73
  8. Brahms – Variationen über ein Thema von Joseph Haydn, op. 56a (Variations 5 and 7)
  9. Bruckner – Symphony no. 4 in E-flat Major (2nd mvt.)
  10. Enesco – Rhapsodie roumaine no. 1 – viola solo
  11. Ginastera – Variaciones concertantes – viola solo
  12. Kodály – Háry János, op. 15 – viola solo
  13. Mendelssohn – Ein Sommernachtstraum (Midsummer Night’s Dream) (Scherzo)
  14. Mendelssohn – Symphony no.4 in A Major, op. 90, (Italian) (1st and 4th mvts.)
  15. Mozart – Overture to Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute), K.620
  16. Mozart – Symphony no. 35 in D Major, K. 385, (Haffner) (1st mvt.)
  17. Mahler – Symphony no. 10
  18. Prokofiev – Symphony no. 1 in D Major, op. 25, (Classical) (1st and 4th mvts.)
  19. Ravel – Daphnis et Chloe, Suite no. 2
  20. Ravel – Ma mère l’oye – viola solo
  21. Rossini – Overture to La Gazza Ladra
  22. Shostakovich – Symphony no. 5, op. 47
  23. Smetana – Overture to The Bartered Bride
  24. R. Strauss – Don Juan, op. 20
  25. R. Strauss – Don Quichote, op. 35 – solo viola
  26. R. Strauss – Ein Heldenleben, op. 40
  27. Tchaikovsky – Symphony no.6 in B Minor, op. 74 (1st mvt.)
  28. Wagner – Overture to Tannhaüser
  29. Weber – Overture to Euryanthe
  30. Weber – Der Freichütz – Viola solo


You must include a movement of unaccompanied Bach and a movement of a major concerto (with cadenza, if applicable) by memory.

1. Bach – Matthäuspassion (St. Matthew Passion) (violin solos)
2. Bartók – Divertimento for String Orchestra, op. 113
3. Bartók – Concerto for Orchestra
4. Beethoven – “Leonore” Overture no. 3
5. Beethoven – Symphony no. 2 in D Major, op. 36
6. Beethoven – Symphony no. 3 in E-flat major, op. 55
7. Beethoven – Symphony no. 9 in D Minor, op. 125
8. Brahms – Symphony no. 1 in C Minor, op. 68 (including violin solos)
9. Brahms – Symphony no. 4 in E Minor, op. 98
10. Brahms – Variationen über ein Thema von Haydn, op. 56a
11. Elgar – Variations on an original theme, op. 36, (Enigma)
12. Hindemith – Symphonic metamorphosis of themes by Carl Maria von Weber
13. Mahler – Symphony no. 3 in D Minor (including violin solos)
14. Mahler – Symphony no. 5 in C-sharp Minor
15. Mozart – Symphony no. 35 in D Major, K. 385, (Haffner)
16. Mozart – Symphony no. 39 in E-flat Major, K. 543
17. Mozart – Overture to Le Nozze di Figaro (Marriage of Figaro), K. 492
18. Prokofiev – Symphony no. 1 in D Major, op. 25, (Classical)
19. Prokofiev – Symphony no. 5 in B-flat Major, op. 100
20. Prokofiev – Romeo and Juliet, orchestral suites 1 and 2
21. Rimsky-Korsakov – Scheherazade, op. 35 (violin solos)
22. Shostakovich – Symphony No. 1, op. 10 (including violin solos)
23. Shostakovich – Symphony No. 5, op. 47 (including violin solos)
24. Smetana – Overture to The Bartered Bride
25. Strauss, R. – Don Juan, op. 20
26. Strauss, R. – Ein Heldenleben, op. 40 (violin solos)
27. Strauss, R. – Der Bürger als Edelmann (Bourgeois Gentilhomme), op. 60 (violin solos)
28. Tchaikovsky – Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, op. 36
29. Tchaikovsky – Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, op. 64
30. Tchaikovsky – Swan Lake (violin solos)

Selecting & Booking a Hall

  • Attend concerts in the halls. Visit our Facilities pages early in your program to find concert hall seating plans, technical requirements, and booking instructions.
  • Consider repertoire, instrumentation, type of audience, and any other additional requirements (i.e. overhead projection).  
  • Consult with your teacher about their availability (typically May for Master's recitals) and book your hall at the beginning of the year if possible. To book your recital, please see the Production Office in Room C-208.

Examiners for Performance Exams

Please see the Examiner's List under the Graduate Exam Application Form section.

Working Collaboratively

  • Agreements with accompanists should be confirmed in writing and include dates and times of rehearsals, repertoire, fees, and how the fees will be paid.
  • Cultivate a professional working relationship with your accompanist:
    • Provide repertoire well ahead of rehearsals and concert times.  
    • Create an efficient rehearsal schedule, with defined goals, in advance.
    • Cancel or change rehearsal times only in exceptional circumstances.
    • Be prepared for each rehearsal.  Listen to recordings of great performances and discuss with your teacher what makes that particular collaborative relationship so artistic or powerful.

Recording your Recital

Recitals can be recorded using the one-touch recording system. Otherwise there will be a service charge according to the maximum of musicians on stage at any given time. Please contact the Production Office (production.music [at] mcgill.ca) for prices. All recording requests must be made on the appropriate form available from the Production Office (C-208) and returned no later than 2 weeks before the event.

Grading Policy

The final mark for all performance exams will be an average of the three grades submitted by the three examiners.

Read the PDF icon Performance Examination Policy (PDF) for more information.

Keys to Success"An engaging program must first and foremost come from the heart…
reflect your desire to explore the expressiveness of your instrument… and seek out challenges. Bold choices, although sometimes daunting, can redefine boundaries, for both the audience and yourself."
-Melissa Achten, harp, M.Mus. 2015

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