
2014 Publications

  1. Camenga, D. R., Hieftje, K. D., Edelman, J., Rosenthal, M. S., Fiellin, L. E., &Duncan, L. R.(2014). The use of message framing to promote delayed sexual initiation in young adolescents: A qualitative study.Health Education Research,1-7.doi: 10.1093/her/cyt156
  2. Fiellin, L. E., Hieftje, K. D., &Duncan, L. R.(2014). Videogames: Here for good.Pediatrics, 134 (5),849-851.
  3. Hieftje, K. D.,Duncan, L. R., & Fiellin, L. E. (2014). Novel Methods to Collect Meaningful Data from Adolescents for the Development of Health Interventions.Health Promotion Practice.doi: 10.1177/1524839914521211
  4. Duncan, L. R.,Hieftje, K. D, Culyba, S., & Fiellin, L. E. (2014). Game Playbooks: Tools to Guide Multidisciplinary Teams in Developing Videogame-based Behavior Change Interventions.Translational Behavioral Medicine, 4(1),108-116.
  5. Sweet, S.N., Noreau, L., Leblond, J., Dumont, F. (2014). Understanding quality of life in adults with spinal cord injury via SCI-related needs and secondary complications.Topics of Spinal Cord Rehabilitation, 20, 321-328.
  6. Sweet, S.N.,Brawley, L.R., Hatchell, A., Gainforth, H.L., & Latimer-Cheung, A.E. (2014). Can persuasive messages encourage individuals to create action plans for physical activity?Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 36,413-423.
  7. Sweet, S.N.,Martin Ginis, K.A., Estabrooks, P.A., & Latimer-Cheung, A.E. (2014).Operationalizing the RE-AIM framework to evaluate the impact of multi-sector partnerships.Implementation Science, 9, 74. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-9-74
  8. Sweet, S.N., Fortier, M.S., Strachan, S.M., Blanchard, C.M., Boulay, P. (2014). Testing a longitudinal integrated self-efficacy and self-determination theory model for physical activity post-cardiac rehabilitation.Health Psychology Research, 2,.
  9. Sweet, S.N., Latimer-Cheung, A.E., Bourne, C., Martin Ginis, K.A. (2014). Assessing the research use and needs of organizations promoting healthy living for adults with disabilities.Translational Behavioral Medicine, 4, 86-94. doi: 10.1007/s13142-013-0231-2
  10. Sweet, S.N.,Fortier, M.S., & Blanchard, C. (2014). Investigating motivational regulations and physical activity over 25 weeks.Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 11,1052-1056.
  11. Sylvester, B. D., Standage, M., Ark, T. K.,Sweet, S. N.,Crocker, P. R. E., Zumbo, B.D., & Beauchamp, M. R. (2014). Is variety a spice of (an active) life?: Perceived variety, exercise behavior, and the mediating role of autonomous motivation.Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 36,516-527.
  12. Sylvester, B. D., Standage, M., Dowd, A. J., Martin, L. J.,Sweet, S. N.,& Beauchamp, M. R. (2014). Perceived variety, psychological needs satisfaction, and exercise-related well-being.Psychology and Health, 29, 1044-1061.
  13. Toll, B. A., Rojewski, A. M.,Duncan, L. R., Latimer-Cheung, A. E., Fucito, L. M., Boyer, J., O’Malley, S. S., Salovey, P., Herbst, R. S. (2014).”Quitting Smoking Will Benefit Your Health”: The Evolution of Clinician Messaging to Encourage Tobacco Cessation.Clinical Cancer Research, 20,301-309. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-13-2261
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