2016 Publications

  1. Sweet, S.N., Noreau, L., Leblond, J., & Martin Ginis. K.A. (2016). Peer support need fulfillment among adults with spinal cord injury: Relationships with participation, life satisfaction and individual characteristics.ΜύDisability and Rehabilitation, 38, 558-565. doi:10.3109/09638288.2015.1049376.Μύ
  2. Chen, B.P., Awasthi, R.,ΜύSweet, S.N., Minnella, E.M., Bergdahl, A., Santa Mina, D., Carli, F., Scheede-Bergdahl, C. (accepted). Four-week prehabilitation program is sufficient to modify exercise behaviors and improve preoperative functional walking capacity in patients with colorectal cancer.ΜύSupportive Care in Cancer.
  3. Hieftje, K. D,ΜύDuncan, L. R., Pendergrass, T., & Fiellin, L. E. (2016). Development of an HIV Prevention Videogame Intervention: Lessons Learned.ΜύInternational Journal of Serious Games. .Μύ
  4. Fiellin, L. E., Kyriakides, T. C., Hieftje, K. D., Pendergrass, T. M.,ΜύDuncan, L. R., Dziura, J. D., Sawyer, B. G., & Fiellin, D. A. (2016). The design and implementation of a randomized controlled trial of a risk reduction and HIV prevention videogame intervention in minority adolescents: PlayForward: Elm City Stories.ΜύClinical Trials.ΜύΜύ
  5. Duncan, L. R.,ΜύHallward, L., & Ziavras, A. (2016). A systematic examination of gain- and loss-framed content in educational resources targeting the prevention of performance enhancing substance use among athletes.ΜύJournal of Applied Sport Psychology.Μύ
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